A: In order to find a movie use the "Search " field at the top. We assure you that you will find the movie you are looking for.
A: At Moviery.com you can find almost 4000 titles, one of the largest movie collections on the web.
A: We offer high quality movies in their full version.
A: It is absolutely legal to download movies from Moviery.com.
A: Our database is updated with new releases weekly.
A: Your account becomes active as soon as you pay for any of our subscriptions. It takes no time. Note that after registration, your account remains inactive until you subscribe to any of our subscription plans.
A: This can happen only in case you are already registered. Please, use your e-mail and password to log in.
A: You can recover your password by following the "forgot password" link, which can be located next to login button on top of our web site.
A: Please, contact Moviery.com Support Team for help.
A: You get this error when you forget your username or password. You may find your personal account information in the activation e-mail, sent to you after the registration. Also check if CAPSLOCK is not active.
A: At Moviery.com you can choose a subscription plan according to the period of time that is convenient for you: 2 week, 1 month, 3 months and 6 months Membership. During this time you get unlimited movie downloads. You can refill your account at Moviery.com with Visa and MasterCard.
A: We will refund you 100% of your money in case you're not satisfied with the services of Moviery.com with the exception of the conditions mentioned in the agreement (such as the quality and the content of the movies).
A. Please contact Moviery.com Support Team.
A. No, we do not offer recurring billing subscription plans. You will be billed only once when you subscribe to any of our plans.
A: It's simple! Just choose movie quality then click the "Download" button.
A: You don't need any additional software for downloading movies from Moviery.com.
A: We recommend using a download manager, such as Fox Movie Manager or
A: The downloading process may take some time; it depends on your Internet connection speed and quality of the movie. Better quality means spending more time. In general it takes not more than two hours. Moviery.com provides the highest speed for movie downloads.
A: You can use any type of download managers. If you have GetRight, Fox Movie Manager or
A: If downloaded movie doesn't play it means that the movie did not downloaded properly. Interruption in the downloading process is one of the possible causes of such an issue. If the downloading process is interrupted before completion, you might have to start it from the beginning.
A: Make sure that you have completed the registration process and your account has been activated.
A: There might be some trouble with this file. Please, try to download it later.
A: You can put two or more video files together using VirtualDub, a freeware program available at http://virtualdub.org/. You can also use video player that supports playlists (VLC, LightAlloy).Home video players switch between files automatically if files are in the same folder.
A: Whatever software you have used to download the video file, it should have asked where you wanted it to be saved before download began. To find a missing file, you can try using the Search feature located under the Start menu in Windows or the Finder feature on a Mac computer. If you fail to find files on your computer, you can download them again from our web site. When you download files, please select the folder where you want to save them.
A: Internet Explorer with its all versions don't support resuming download, therefore to download large files like HD movies you need a download manager like
A: You can use various players, for example widely known Apple Quick Time Player, Windows Media Player, Ivivo, VLC, etc.
A: The main reason for such problem is the absence of necessary codecs on your computer. We suggest installing
A: Yes! Just use Apple QuickTime, VLC or other Mac-friendly player on your Mac to watch movies.
A: If you would like you can convert DVD, DivX, PDA and Hi-Def versions manually so that they are playable on your portable device. There is some special software for this purpose, such as VirtualDub. Use this software to rip the movie and convert it. Then use iTunes to copy it to your device.
A. We suggest that you check if your DVD-player supports DivX?, MKV and/or XviD playback or not. If your DVD-player supports DivX?, MKV and/or XviD playback then you simply need to burn the movie to a CD/DVD and it should play right away. If your player doesn't support playback of DivX? or XviD you first have to convert the video to MPEG-2 and then record it as a DVD or SVCD, depending on what formats your player actually supports.
A: For this purpose you can use Nero Burning Rom or any other burning software available to you.
A: Downloading movies from Moviery.com will work out much cheaper than buying DVDs in the long run. It is possible to download films without paying any money, using P2P sites, but this is very risky. These sites are illegal, and if you are caught you could be facing prosecution. There are other dangers. As these files are put up by anybody, they can contain anything. Often, they are just excuses to spread viruses and spyware. Moviery.com is absolutely legal, with unlimited downloads, but you will have to pay a small upfront fee. This will prove to be a bargain as time goes by, and you will get ever more for your money Moreover, Moviery.com Support Team is always ready to help you with any questions or assistance!
A: Please write a letter at support@moviery.com or use Mailbox feature.